I am a big fan of Adium, not only because it’s an app that let’s me log in from all the chat services I use but because it leaves a small footprint on my screen. Some clients use AIM, others MSN or Yahoo, but most of them are on Google Chat. The fact that I can log in using only one app, have the file transfer services available and I can search history (now dates back to 2005) is a win-win situation for me. Oh, and no, there’s no Video Chat Services available but I use Skype for that. I don’t run it all the time, but just when I need to.
Each provider makes changes to their services, the ones that usually do the most are Microsoft and Google. Yesterday after I installed the latest update, all my Google+ circles contacts (that were online) where showing on on my contact list. I didn’t want that! I am strongly against social media chat services on (not on Google+ or Facebook). I value my privacy and being constantly online on both networks, checking on my personal profile as well as the fan pages for my clients and projects, I actually do some work in those networks.
Worry not, as this is easily fixed. Go to your Google+ home screen, sign on to Chat and click on Privacy Settings, and choose Custom and remove the checks for all of your circles. Next time you restart Adium the Google+ contacts shouldn’t be there!
Thank you so much. This very issue has been driving me insane for the last couple of weeks, and now all those pesky contacts are off my Adium contact list once and for all!